Posts tagged: CORONA


How to run a sucessful trade show under pandemic circumstances

Are you currently planning appearances at trade fairs and events? Are you unsure whether everything will work out? Just get used to this feeling and work with it! You have laid the foundation: Because if you manage to organize a successful and safe trade fair appearance in the face of adversity without losing your nerve, nothing will upset you in the future.

Remote work forever!? What will happen to our offices after Corona?

Analogous to the rising and falling incidences, many offices have been filling and emptying at regular intervals since last year. Some remain completely empty. Covid-19 has been making the world more digital. Ideas that have been in the drawer for a long time have now been and are being implemented in many places. Inhibitions about new technologies and working methods are being overcome. On the other hand, we are tired of the many web conferences and would like to have some exchange of ideas in the office kitchenette. Will we fall back into the old patterns after Corona?

Macht schnelle Testergebnisse möglich: vollautomatische Point-of-Care-Plattform

Das Zusammenspiel von IT und Mikroelektronik macht neue und effizientere Analysemethoden in Forschung, Diagnostik und letztlich der Patientenversorgung möglich. Durch eine schnellere und leichter zugängliche Diagnostik über Point-of-Care-Plattformen können schon während der Wartezeit beim Arzt Ergebnisse vorliegen. Dadurch kann eine mögliche Krankheit besser behandelt werden.

Fight against Coronavirus: Recording of the live stream of the virtual COMPAMED

The Corona crisis has turned the world upside down and shown us once again how dependent we are on key technologies such as microtechnology and nanotechnology. These technologies support the fight against Corona, for example, in the field of rapid diagnostics, in the low-cost production of miniaturized components for urgently needed medical devices and in the development of vaccines.

How the corona crisis is changing trade fairs and events. And what's good about that!

For years there has been a kind of love-hate relationship with trade fairs and events. Some people think it's really great to get on a train at five in the morning to go to a high-tech trade fair and talk to people they don't know. Others can't get anything out of it. The behavior on the customer side is also mirrored by companies: Some participate at every fair - others think it's a waste of money.

Wie die Coronakrise Messen und Veranstaltungen verändert und was daran auch gut ist!

Messen und Veranstaltungen wird seit Jahren eine Art "Hassliebe" entgegengebracht. Manch einer findet es richtig toll, sich um fünf Uhr früh in einen Zug zu setzen, um auf eine Hightech-Messe zu fahren und mit unbekannten Menschen zu sprechen. Andere können dem nichts abgewinnen. Das Verhalten auf Kundenseite wird auch von Unternehmen gespiegelt: Einige sind auf jeder Kirmes - andere halten das für reine Geldverschwendung.

How micropumps can support corona diagnostics

The corona pandemic with the new virus COVID-19 is turning our lives upside down and we are all confronted with a new and completely unexpected situation. At the moment we are increasingly asked by our customers: can you help with corona diagnostics with your micropump? That would be possible. Modern biotechnology needs microstructure technology.

IVAM members vs. CORONA

Microtechnology is one key enabler to get a grip of the Corona crisis: It enables medical devices to be more smart and compact and is qualified to make diagnostic methods better, more precise and much faster as before. Furthermore it opens up the possibility of transforming existing processes, components and systems at lightning speed so that completely new fields of application can be created in the fight against the virus.

Wie Corona das (digitale) Marketing bei KMU verändern wird

Der Shutdown in Deutschland hat bei vielen KMU zu starken Verwerfungen geführt. Diese Krise ist gravierender als die Lehman-Krise 2008/2009! Das stark geänderte Verhalten der Menschen während der Krise und die Randbedingungen für die Unternehmen nach der Corona-Krise werden auch das Marketing nachhaltig beeinflussen.

Coronavirus - how Europe supports its economy

The impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the European economy is currently difficult to assess. What is certain, however, is that the longer the epidemic persists, the stronger the effects will be for each individual industrial company and service provider. At this point, IVAM would like to keep you up-to-date on current measures in the European countries, mainly in which our members are based.